Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama Mocks Texas, Blames Fires on Global Warming

A good friend of mine is doing contract work in Bastrop County, Texas. He tells me they're up to 2,000 homes being destroyed. The view from the ground elicits 'war zone' comparisons and leaves one seeing little difference between these Texas wildfires and the destruction wrought by hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. He also said FEMA came in thumping its chest and provided virtually no assistance. Despite all of this, Barack Obama decided to pile on by politicizing this 'natural' disaster while mocking Texas governor Rick Perry for not believing in man-made global warming.

Via LA Times:
Reporting from Woodside, Calif.— President Obama, speaking at a fundraiser in the Bay Area on Sunday night, said the behavior at the Republican presidential debates was at odds with core American values.

"Has anybody been watching the debates lately?" the president said at the home of John Thompson, chairman of Symantec.

In a reference to the GOP front-runner, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Obama said: "You've got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change. It's true."
Aside from this despicable attempt to politicize a natural disaster to push an agenda, it's not a far cry off from Louis Farrakhan saying that Bush blew up the levees in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

h/t GWP

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