Thursday, September 1, 2011

Shocker: Hillary Clinton wants to un-freeze Gadhafi's Assets and Give to the Rebels

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wants to un-freeze $1.5 Billion of Gadhafi's assets and distribute them amongst the rebels who have overthrown the regime. Despite there being strong evidence that these rebels are backed by the Muslim Brotherhood, Hillary apparently wants to throw money at them before we even know who or what their motives are. Since the US was instrumental in 'liberating' them, shouldn't we reimburse our military? just a thought. Anyway, making this even more egregious is a report that Hillary doesn't even want to make transfer of these funds contingent on the Lockerbie bomber's fate.

Can anyone say Huma Abedin?

Via the AP:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is joining top officials from dozens of countries to hear Libya's rebels spell out what they need in financial aid and other assistance to stabilize the Arab country.

Clinton, who left Washington on Wednesday night to attend the conference scheduled for Thursday in Paris, hopes to announce that $1.5 billion in Gadhafi regime assets frozen in the United States have been distributed on behalf of the rebels, U.S. officials said.

That money, about half of the liquid portion of the more than $30 billion in frozen Libyan assets, was freed up last week when the U.N. Security Council eased sanctions against Libya. European nations are now seeking similar U.N. authorization to release billions more in frozen assets that they hold.

"We have supported the unfreezing of this small, limited amount of money - not so small, $1.5 billion - to begin to meet their immediate humanitarian and governance needs," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Wednesday.

Although some U.S. lawmakers have asked Clinton to link the release of the assets to the case of convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, Nuland said the administration will continue to press Libyan rebels to review the case but will not hold up the transfer of funds because of it.
As Libya and other Arab countries fall victim to the Muslim Brotherhood-backed Arab Spring, we will see our leaders completely unmasked. This administration has demonstrated an across-the-board allegiance to the Brotherhood and we need to figure out why.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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