Sunday, September 11, 2011

Shocker! Liberal Writer may be Right

When it comes to conservative actions matching conservative rhetoric, Michele Bachmann far exceeds Rick Perry. When it comes to conservative rhetoric enticing Tea Party primary voters, Perry continues to far exceed Bachmann for some inexplicable reason; it's an unfortunate reality but Bachmann is slipping. When Perry got in the race, he took a significant amount of her support. I've maintained that Palin can get that back and then some. Campaign volunteer for Barack Obama and Claire McCaskill, William Browning, seems to agree.

Via Yahoo News:
In the aftermath of the GOP presidential debate, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., may have been shown the exit door. The Washington Post reports a new poll conducted by the media outlet along with ABC News shows Bachmann at a paltry six percent, about half of what she had just one month ago.

Despite winning the Iowa Straw Poll, all bets are off for Bachmann's campaign. CBS News reports top staffers resigned and quit for fear the Minnesota Republican will mess up her own campaign. At the same time, Bachmann wants to have her own style while catering to her conservative base.

Bachmann's staffers may be right. Texas Gov. Rick Perry threw his name into the primary race the same time Bachmann won the straw poll Aug. 13. Since then, it's been all downhill.
Never thought I'd say it but I can't argue with three consecutive paragraphs penned by a liberal. Browning followed that up with three paragraphs in which I HOPE he's right:
The wild card in all this political posturing is Sarah Palin. The tea party darling made speeches in Iowa and New Hampshire but has still not mentioned if she is running for president. She may be the chess master as she watches the Republican pawns fight it out during each debate. The former governor of Alaska can then use her clout to dethrone any other competitors.

Palin has been unnoticed in recent polls. However, Perry was the same way until he declared he was running for president. All it takes is for Palin to say "yes" and then her name will eclipse Perry's in an instant. Politico reports Palin still hasn't said whether or not she is running for president.

The bat signal for Palin will be the next few weeks as candidates decide to drop out of the race. As more dominoes fall in front of her, the easier Palin's primary fight will be. She hasn't raised a lot of campaign cash and didn't participate in the Iowa Straw Poll. Yet her many fans may send chills down the collective spine of mainstream Republicans. Everywhere she goes, supporters urge Palin to run.
For those who like Bachmann more than they like Palin, I hear you but for whatever reason, Palin seems to have something that Bachmann does not. Call it panache, charisma, the ability to energize or anything else you can think of. Bachmann is struggling right now and Palin is the best person to take the baton. I just hope she does.

h/t Free Republic

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