Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Solyndra Scandal: Will Democrats throw Obama Under the Bus?

The Solyndra scandal seems to be heating up quite a bit but I find myself wondering why it's doing so this quickly. If the head of the Justice Department, which oversees the FBI, Eric Holder is as beholden to the Obama administration as he's demonstrated, why was the FBI permitted to raid a company covered with so many Obama fingerprints? Is it because of another coverup? Is it serving as a distraction away from the Fast and Furious investigation, which has been setting the hook for several months now? As bad as the Solyndra scandal is, Fast and Furious would be much worse if both reach to Obama.

The Democratic Party is becoming quite disgruntled with Obama, especially in the wake of the special election in which Anthony Weiner's old seat went Republican for the first time since the 1920's.

Two sayings come to mind. The first is, 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall.' The second is, 'if you live by the sword, you die by the sword.' One of Obama's political swords has been throwing people under the bus to protect his own skin. As the Tea Party rises and the Democrats continue to experience political earthquakes like the one in Weiner's old district, we may begin to see them less willing to defend Obama.

By all accounts, the Solyndra scandal is huge. So why is the far left media establishment, including ABC News and Washington Post, reporting on it so thoroughly?

Via Washington Post:
EXCLUSIVE | The Obama White House tried to rush federal reviewers for a decision on a nearly half-billion-dollar loan to the solar-panel manufacturer Solyndra so Vice President Biden could announce the approval at a September 2009 groundbreaking for the company’s factory, newly obtained e-mails show.

The Silicon Valley company, a centerpiece in President Obama’s initiative to develop clean energy technologies, had been tentatively approved for the loan by the Energy Department but was awaiting a final financial review by the Office of Management and Budget.

The August 2009 e-mails, released exclusively to The Washington Post, show White House officials repeatedly asking OMB reviewers when they would be able to decide on the federal loan and noting a looming press event at which they planned to announce the deal. In response, OMB officials expressed concern that they were being rushed to approve the company’s project without adequate time to assess the risk to taxpayers, according to information provided by Republican congressional investigators.

Solyndra collapsed two weeks ago, leaving taxpayers liable for the $535 million loan.

One e-mail from an OMB official referred to “the time pressure we are under to sign-off on Solyndra.” Another complained, “There isn’t time to negotiate.”
Here is the video of Joe Biden and Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu at the Solyndra groundbreaking ceremony in 2009.

Via Verum Serum:

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