Monday, September 19, 2011

Turkey and Egypt Linking up?

Turkey has almost been flying under the radar when it comes to its role in the Middle East. An Islamist government took power there nearly ten years ago and for all intents and purposes, has taken control of the military. It's not a secular ally of the west anymore and hasn't been for some time. Yet, it's potentially the most dangerous nation in the Islamic world right now. It's at least running neck and neck with Iran. This report that Turkey is now seeking an alliance with the post-Mubarak Egypt only further validates these claims.

Via New York Times:
ANKARA, Turkey — A newly assertive Turkey offered on Sunday a vision of a starkly realigned Middle East, where the country’s former allies in Syria and Israel fall into deeper isolation, and a burgeoning alliance with Egypt underpins a new order in a region roiled by revolt and revolution.

The portrait was described by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu of Turkey in an hourlong interview before he was to leave for the United Nations, where a contentious debate was expected this week over a Palestinian bid for recognition as a state. Viewed by many as the architect of a foreign policy that has made Turkey one of the most relevant players in the Muslim world, Mr. Davutoglu pointed to that issue and others to describe a region in the midst of a transformation. Turkey, he said, was “right at the center of everything.”

He declared that Israel was solely responsible for the near collapse in relations with Turkey, once an ally, and he accused Syria’s president of lying to him after Turkish officials offered the government there a “last chance” to salvage power by halting its brutal crackdown on dissent.

Strikingly, he predicted a partnership between Turkey and Egypt, two of the region’s militarily strongest and most populous and influential countries, which he said could create a new axis of power at a time when American influence in the Middle East seems to be diminishing.

“This is what we want,” Mr. Davutoglu said.
There is another point of view being vindicated as we watch these events unfold and it says that the Muslim Brotherhood, formed in Egypt, was created to reinstated the Turkish Ottoman Empire. This development is a clear step in that direction. The next step will be for Turkey to basically annex Egypt, which is the process of being controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. Ditto for Libya and Tunisia, other countries we are sure to see Turkey establish relations with, in much the same way it's doing with Egypt.

One man who has been loudly and boldly predicting all this for years now was a Muslim Brotherhood activist himself. Despite media attempts to smear him, Walid Shoebat has been right on target to this point.

h/t Drudge

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