Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Video: Interview with LightSquared CEO

It's being reported that the Obama administration is mired in three different scandals. The first is Fast and Furious; the second is Solyndra; and the third is this one - LightSquared. Philip Falcone is the CEO of LightSquared, which has been working on acquiring bandwidth for its 4G wireless technology. Last week, it was reported that Air Force General William Shelton said the White House attempted to soften his testimony about allowing LightSquared to move forward. Shelton apparently viewed the technology as a danger to national security because it would encroach upon the GPS bandwidth. Accusations that Falcone and Obama had a cozy business relationship and the implication was that there was some palm-greasing going on.

Falcone appeared on Megyn Kelly's show over at Fox and all but called Shelton a liar. In fact, he almost did and corrected himself. Falcone is quite adamant that this is a scandal that is being manufactured. Frankly, unless General Shelton comes forward with the name of the person or persons who attempted to change his testimony, it should probably end there. After watching, see if you think Falcone put the ball in Shelton's court.

Part 1

Part 2

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