Monday, September 5, 2011

Video: Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. at Obama Rally calls for Taking these 'Son of a Bit***s Out'

If there's one thing that's been conspicuously absent when it comes to the over-the-top rhetoric coming from the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) lately, it's been Obama's refusal to denounce it. His refusal to denounce the words of Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. in Detroit may be even more conspicuous because.... Obama was there. About an hour prior to Obama speaking to an angry crowd in Detroit (a crowd angry as a result of continually voting Democrat), Teamsters head Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. exhorted the crowd to 'take these son of bit***s out' before Obama would take the stage. Hoffa also shouted out to Obama that 'this is your army.'

Via Hapblog:

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