Sunday, September 25, 2011

Video: Obama Recruits for Civilian National Security Force in Front of Congressional Black Caucus

It would appear that Mr. Barack Obama is more petulant than normal these days. Again, while speaking at the annual Congressional Black Caucus dinner, he exhorted the audience to take off their 'bedroom slippers' and 'put on their marching shoes.' This visible frustration exhibited by Obama is likely the culmination of many things: Fast and Furious, Solyndra, and LightSquared come to mind but it's also likely about the prospect of all the unions and people he's promised money to not getting what they think is coming to them.

His base is expecting to get paid and if they don't, Obama is toast. The threat of them not getting paid is quickly becoming a possible reality Obama is having to confront. The president of the United States is coming precariously close to calling for insurrection here. He also seems to be imploding before our very eyes. Fast forward to the 11:30 mark.

The 'marching shoes' line is very telling because Mr. Obama may have shown us a glimpse of that Civilian National Security force he referred to on the 2008 campaign trail. If there's anyone who is well on their way to being just as well funded as the US Military, it's Obama's union goons.

More at the AP

h/t GWP

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