Thursday, September 8, 2011

Video Rep. Darrell Issa on Grenade Angle to Fast and Furious

It was bad enough that the ATF allowed guns to 'walk' into Mexico; two federal agents are dead as a result. Earlier this week, news broke that the ATF actually allowed grenades to walk too. Bombmaker Jean Baptiste Kingery was apprehended in 2010 and held for a few hours before the DOJ instructed the ATF to release him. ATF agents begged leadership not to let the guy go but DOJ insisted. Kingery subsequently trafficked grenade making materials into Mexico and was only recently apprehended for a second time.

Based on how things unfolded, this case smacks of Fast and Furious; it carries many of the same traits, including whistleblower retaliation. Wall Street Journal broke this story on September 6th. ATF agent and whistleblower Peter Forcelli has accused the US Attorneys office of irresponsibly instructing ATF to let Kingery go. Predictably, the accounts of Forcelli and the DOJ differ but based on the track record of each, I'll side with Forcelli at this point.

Anyway, found this in my inbox; it's an interview in which Fox's Megyn Kelly talks with Oversight Committee chairman, Darrell Issa about the new grenade angle to operation Fast and Furious.

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