Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Video: Ron 'Jekyll and Hyde' Paul shows his Hyde Side in the Debate

When you get Ron Paul talking about domestic policy - except the part about a border fence keeping Americans 'in' - he's like Dr. Jekyll. For the most part, he makes sound logical arguments most conservatives can agree with. When you get him talking about the Islamic threat to western civilization, he transforms into something sane people want no part of. The good news is that he's showing Americans that he has a Hyde side. In last night's debate, Paul essentially blamed America for 9/11 and as Rick Santorum said, Paul parroted bin Laden.

The mask is now officially off of Ron Paul. I don't know what was more compelling to watch. Was it Ron Paul going completely off the track or was it the apoplectic looks on the faces of Gingrich and Santorum?

h/t Breitbart

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