Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Will Secret Service Agent Defeat Incumbent Liberal Democrat Ben Cardin in Senate Race?

His name is Daniel Bongino and he has retired from the Secret Service, where he worked for ten years protecting president George W. Bush and current President Obama. He resigned because he grew disgusted with bureaucrats and has a big problem with the policies of Obama. Bongino is running as a Republican in Maryland and hopes to dethrone Democrat Ben Cardin in 2012. Bongino is definitely on the side of the Tea Party tsunami whose initial waves crashed on the political landscape last November.

Via ABC:
After more than a decade protecting presidents with the Secret Service, Daniel Bongino is currently running against the policies that the most recent president he worked under – President Obama – has moved along.

Bongino, who quit his job with the Secret Service in May to run for the Senate as a Republican in Maryland, told us on ABC’s “Top Line” today that it’s nothing personal.

“I like the president a lot personally. We had a good relationship. He was a wonderful man to me, and this is not any kind of a personal gripe,” Bongino said.

“It’s strictly a political, ideological difference. His policies I think are just wrong. We’re headed down a path I don’t think we want to go down.”

Bongino would become the first former Secret Service agent to serve in Congress. And his reason for running sounds similar to the rationale given by dozens if not hundreds of first-time candidates over the last few years.

“I got tired of the establishment bureaucrats who frankly were leading us down a road that I wasn’t comfortable with,” he said. “I think this is the first generation where we’re going to turn over to our children a country that is less prosperous than ours. So I decided it was time for real people who have led real lives with real consequence to get off the couch and to do something, and giving up my job and running for office was my way of doing it.”
Watch the interview with Bongino; he's very, very sharp and he obviously has discipline. Before watching, ask yourself if you think this guy appears determined. After watching, you'll have your answer.

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h/t Fox Nation

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