Thursday, October 13, 2011

Anthony Weiner / Huma Abedin Update

Based on what was learned about Anthony Weiner's wife - Huma Abedin - after the sexting scandal that broke earlier this year, questions arose about whether Weiner had to convert to Islam in order to marry Abedin, a practicing Muslim. It was either that or Huma - as former Muslim terrorist Walid Shoebat said - had a 'higher calling.' According to Shoebat, there was a fatwa issued by Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi that permitted Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men if it was for such a purpose. If a new book written by one of Weiner's sexting partners is any indication, the marriage to Huma did not involve the former.

Via UK Telegraph:
In the exchanges he complained that spending time with his wife's parents is 'exhausting' as 'they are a bit backwards thinking'.

Mrs Abedin, 35, a personal aide and deputy chief of staff to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, revealed she was pregnant in the middle of Weiner's Twitter photo fiasco.

'I wish I had an escape route sometimes,' Weiner wrote in the messages to Ms Nobles.

'Well a lot has to do with religion,' he wrote. 'Lots of restrictions and how I've never been accepted by them.'

'Touchy is a good word for this. It's been touchy and worse from the beginning,' he added.

'They just believe I should be Muslim or convert… it makes for a lot of uncomfortable meetings.'

'When you're religion is something that is hated from the beginning it doesn't inspire much confidence,' he wrote.
On another note, it was learned that Huma's mother - Saleha Abedin - is actually a card-carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood (a group called the Muslim Sisterhood). It's also known that Huma's father has been dead for several years (since before her marriage to Weiner). Is the Telegraph misquoting about Huma's parents or did Saleha re-marry?

h/t Daily Caller

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