Saturday, October 15, 2011

Audio: Emilio Estevez the Anti-Charlie Sheen?

Charlie Sheen's brother - Emilio Estevez - is the lesser known of the two but has had a better-than-normal run when it comes to roles in Hollywood movies; The Breakfast Club is one that comes to mind. As Charlie seems to be on a trajectory taking him further out to space, Emilio strangely seems to be far more grounded. While appearing on Laura Ingraham's radio show, Emilio said he was embarrassed by what's coming out of Hollywood lately (Sex, violence, vulgarity, etc). His reason for appearing with Ingraham was the release of his new film, The Way, which stars his father Martin Sheen.

It's very, very difficult to find this kind of talk coming out of Hollywood, which is the reason for the post. It's also very refreshing to see. Though it'd be interesting to know if watching Charlie's descent had a positive effect on both Martin and Emilio, the story here is that this is a good story. Via NewsBusters:

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