Saturday, October 1, 2011

BOOM! Bigger Fish than al-Awlaki Killed in same Predator Drone Strike

Remember that near-miss terror attack last year when bombs were planted inside printer cartridges? The man responsible for making those bombs - as well as the Christmas Day bomb that failed to detonate over Detroit - was killed in the same Predator drone strike that killed Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, the publisher of al-Qaeda magazine. Ibrahim al-Asiri was al-Qaeda's top Saudi top bomb maker. While al-Awlaki is widely credited with having been the inspiration for Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to put a bomb in his pants that was supposed to detonate over a major city, it was apparently al-Asiri who gave him the means.

Via AP:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Two US officials say the drone strike in Yemen that killed Anward al-Awlaki appears to have also killed al-Qaida's top Saudi bomb-maker.

Officials say intelligence indicates Ibrahim al-Asiri also died in the attack. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the death has not been officially confirmed.

Al-Asiri is the bomb-maker believed to have made the explosives used in the foiled Christmas Day airline attack in 2009 and last year's attempted cargo plane bombing.
Assuming this report pans out, take some solace the next time you're getting groped by a TSA agent that the dirtbags who make up the trio directly responsible for that groping are either in custody or dead.

Underwear Bomber: In jail
Inspiration for Underwear Bomber: In ground
Builder of Underwear Bomber's bomb: In ground

CNN has more on Samir Khan HERE. Click HERE to jog your memory on the printer cartridge bomb plot from last year.

Coming in with the other side of this argument is none other than 9/11 Truther magnet, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX). While at a campaign stop in New Hampshire, he fed a little red meat to his '9/11 was an inside job' base:

h/t Jawa and Hot Air

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