Monday, October 17, 2011

Ground Zero Mosque Islamists Haven't Won Yet

Last month, it was reported that a portion of the notorious Ground Zero mosque was being opened. There were no protesters to stop it, like there was in the summer of 2010. President Barack Obama, Governor Andrew Cuomo, and Mayor Michael Bloomberg all supported construction of the mosque, regardless of the 70% of Americans who were opposed to it. When the mosque rather unceremoniously opened a few weeks ago, it appeared the Islamists won the battle but hang on! Not so fast. Con Ed has heaved a monkey wrench into the equation.

Via New York Post:
Con Ed has given the Ground Zero mosque an ultimatum: Pay the $1.7 million you owe in back rent, or we’ll terminate your lease and take back our property.

Con Ed and mosque developer Park51 have an unusual, uneasy alliance, sharing ownership of a site slated to be one of the most controversial projects in city history.

The utility owns a former substation on the western half of the property, at 51 Park Place, and the mosque developers own a five-story building on the eastern half. The buildings were connected years ago and used to house a Burlington Coat Factory store.

Park51, which leases the substation from Con Ed, wants the two buildings so it can knock both down and build a $100 million, 15-story community center.

But the plan hit a major obstacle in August when Con Ed raised the rent from $2,750 a month, a rate set in 1972, to $47,437 a month, retroactive to July 31, 2008, The Post has learned.
A hearing has been set for November 17th.

Here are a few things to look for. First, expect Bloomberg to side with the Islamists if it looks like they will lose this battle. Why wouldn't he? The New York mayor has come down against America at every turn. His caving to the Nazi / Communist - backed Occupy Wall Street protesters is the most recent example. The other thing to watch for is the involvement of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

h/t Weasel Zippers

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