Friday, October 28, 2011

Interesting Development in Case of White House Fast and Furious Contact

Back on June 26th, then ATF supervisor William Newell was questioned about his relationship with Kevin O'Reilly. In particular, members of the House Oversight Committee wanted to know how often the two men communicated about operation Fast and Furious. Newell was more than just a little evasive. The committee made subsequent attempts to get access to O'Reilly for investigative purposes but the response that came back from the White House was that the former National Security Staffer was overseas in Iraq on assignment and would not be available. Now we have a very interesting development uncovered by David Steinberg at Pajamas Media:
Through a tip, PJ Media learned that Kevin O’Reilly was unexpectedly named director of the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Bureau for Iraq (INL-Iraq). Long-time INL-Iraq employee Virginia Ramadan had been expected to get the position — many were quite surprised when she did not.

The previous occupants of the Director, INL-Iraq position — Joe Manso and Francisco Palmieri — were not considered “unreachable” to press or government access. A quick internet search reveals Palmieri, while director, attended a media event on August 23, 2010.

On October 21, PJ Media reporter Patrick Richardson called the number for Office of the Director, INL-Iraq:

1-240-553-0581, ext. 3275

Richardson reached a voicemail message confirming that it was indeed the correct number. He left a message that was not returned.

On Monday Richardson called again, and an assistant answered. Richardson asked to speak with Kevin O’Reilly, and the assistant asked who was calling. Richardson gave his name and stated he was with PJ Media.

The assistant said O’Reilly was currently on a conference call, and asked if Richardson wanted to leave a message. Richardson gave his phone number. His call was not returned.

This morning, Richardson called again. He received a prerecorded message saying “this number is not in service.”

PJ Media is aware that the number was in service as the line to the director’s office for several years prior to Richardson’s calls.
Right there, three very suspicious realities relative to O'Reilly's reassignment. First, he was unexpectedly given the position over a person who was expected to be appointed. Second, persons who previously held the same position were not unavailable. Third, the phone number listed as a contact for O'Reilly's office in Iraq was disconnected after several years of being in service and one day after a reporter contacted someone by calling that phone number.

Read it all.

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