Sunday, October 23, 2011

Occupy Boston: Selling Heroin from Tent with Six-Year-Old Child Inside

It cannot be underscored enough that Barack Obama is standing with the Occupy Wall Street protesters and he demonized the Tea Party. Here is yet another in a long line of examples of lawlessness at the #Occupy protests. Two men were arrested for selling heroin from their tent. As if that wasn't bad enough, they were selling it within 1000 ft. of a school zone. As if that wasn't bad enough, they had a six-year-old child living in the tent with them.

Via Boston Herald:
Two Occupy Boston members have been arrested on drug charges, Boston police said yesterday.

Bostonians Isaac Bell, 34, and Charlene Dumont, 31, were both charged with distribution of a class A drug (heroin) and possession with intent to distribute a class A drug within 1,000 feet of a school zone, police say.

The 6-year-old child who was living with them in a tent is now staying with family members, police said.

The arrests were made Friday after police said they received “multiple reports of drug activity in and around” Occupy Boston’s Rose Kennedy Greenway encampment.
So far, there have been reports of the following at various Occupy Wall Street protests: Rape, Indecent exposure, death threats, rat problems, sanitation problems, and now drug pushing while in the presence of children.

Anyone remember these problems at Tea Parties.

Oh, Occupy Boston also was home to 50 arrests. Via AP:
More than 50 protesters from the Occupy Boston movement were arrested early Tuesday after they ignored warnings to move from a downtown greenway near where they have been camped out for more than a week, police said.

Police spokesman Jamie Kenneally said the arrests began about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday and were mostly for trespassing.

The protesters, part of the national Occupy Wall Street movement, had tried to expand from their original site in Dewey Square to a second site across the street, along the Rose Kennedy Greenway. A local conservancy group recently planted $150,000 worth of shrubs along the greenway and officials said they were concerned about damage.
And Joe Biden is more concerned about passing a jobs bill to prevent rape? Someone should tell him he could help to prevent rape (and drug use) by denouncing these protests.

h/t Verum Serum and GWP

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