Sunday, October 30, 2011

Occupy Denver: White Protester Hogtied by Black Cop; Racism?

Occupy Denver appears to be the latest flashpoint for the occupy miscreants to act up. Amazingly, much of the video being recorded and posted comes courtesy of other protesters. In their lame attempts to garner sympathy by demonstrating excessive force on the part of police, they actually end up helping to make the case for law enforcement. Case in point: in this first video, a protester who apparently thinks it's cool to expose his own butt crack, attempts to push a black police officer off of the latter's motorcycle (1:23 mark). The cop then chases the guy, takes him down, and cuffs him. Whoever thought this video would leave one supporting the protester has a skewed view of reality.

h/t Weasel Zippers:

There also seems to be something else lost on anyone either supporting or not challenging the Occupy movement. Specifically, the protesters' complete lack of respect for the law. If police go into an area to disperse a crowd or tell people to leave an area, law-abiding citizens will do that. These protesters are deliberately attempting to provoke police while creating a perception that they are being repressed by them. Nothing illustrates this reality better than the guy in this video at the :30 mark. Watch the man in the plaid shirt make several attempts to push his way in toward police. One officer - rightfully so - pushes the guy back several times. The man is obviously trying to come across as a victim and fails miserably.

Again, whoever posted this video hoping to paint cops as the aggressors and protesters as defenseless victims actually did just the opposite.


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