Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ted Nugent Agrees with Michael Bloomberg: Riots ARE Possible

You often don't see Ted Nugent and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg agree on anything but it appears we have the equivalent of a February 30th when it comes to the issue of riots. Bloomberg popped off on WOR radio recently that if young people didn't get jobs and the rich didn't get soaked (Bloomy apparently has a waiver), that there would be riots in the street similar to what's happening in the Middle East. Uncle Ted thinks that if young people actually realize the source of their anger, they could actually protest against a different group.

Via the Washington Times:
New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg stated that he’s worried that American young people will begin to riot in our streets because of their unemployment.

While the mayor and I disagree on most things, he might be onto to something here.

I recently opined that I couldn’t figure out why America’s young people were not already rioting because of the stacks of debt being foisted on their backs by a government that would rather borrow and spend than live within its means.

Young people are starting to figure out that our president conned them in the last election, claiming that he could fix everything, make the world safer, create jobs, provide for everybody, redistribute earnings, coddle the unemployed, etc. With many college graduates having to move back in with their parents, young people are beginning to understand that the president’s policies are anathema to job creation in the private sector.

I remember the riots of the 1960s over the Vietnam War and race relations. Young people back then were socially aware, on the surface, of the conditions that were impacting their lives. The differences between the protesters of the 1960s and the void of angry young people today are stark.
It might be asking a lot for these brainwashed masses to have an epiphany but stranger things have happened.... I think.

Read it all.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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