Saturday, October 22, 2011

Video: Atlanta Police Confiscate US Flag Pole from Tea Partier, Ignore Occupy Atlanta Protester Infractions

I think it's safe to say that the City of Atlanta is leading the field when it comes to municipalities in the running for exhibiting the biggest double standard at this point. To set this up, know that Matthew Perdie is a Tea Partier who, in 2010, walked across the entire country while carrying his American flag. This month, Perdie was walking with fellow Tea Partiers in Atlanta while the lawless Occupy Atlanta protesters were doing their thing. Watch as Atlanta Capitol Police tell Perdie that he must either part with his flag pole or leave the city. Then watch as the camera captures the wide array of Occupy Atlanta poles hoisted into the air.

Via Big Government:

Note that in the video, Atlanta mayor Mohammed Kasim Reed makes an appearance and defends the Occupy Atlanta protesters. It's interesting to note that Reed's first name is Mohammad, according the Super Lawyers website from 2005. It appears that Reed attends the Cascade United Methodist church but he readily admits that his father toyed with the idea of converting to Islam. He also seems to be supported by the Muslim community.

Not saying that Reed is a Muslim. There is no evidence of that - besides his name - but he is certainly aligned with the far left. His alliance with OWS is shared with the American Nazi Party, the Communist Party USA, and CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood).

Reed's role in the egregiously disparate treatment levied against the OWS protesters and the Tea Party respectively is unclear but as mayor of Atlanta, he's got far more power than anyone else to address the problem.

More at BG

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