Friday, October 7, 2011

Video: Captivating Exchange between Lawrence O'Donnell and Herman Cain

On one side is MSNBC's resident Marxist, Lawrence O'Donnell. On the other side is Herman Cain at a Barnes & Noble while promoting his book. It's an interview wrought with 'gotcha' questions but Cain does very well at diffusing them. One of the more contentious exchanges involved O'Donnell attempting to admonish Cain for the latter's refusal to get involved in the civil rights movement during his college days. O'Donnell's treading on thin ice with that line of questioning because by doing so, he diminishes the persecution Cain had to go through.

Cain won this one. The only thing that would have made it better would have been his pointing out that the racists of the 1960's were overwhelmingly Democrat.

Via MoxNews:

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