Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Video: Holder's 'Terror Plot' News Conference Turns to Fast and Furious; Holder Turns and Exits

Earlier in the morning, it was announced that House Oversight Committee chairman, Darrell Issa would be issuing subpoenas to Attorney General Eric Holder directly. By early afternoon, news broke that Holder would be holding a news conference about a terror plot allegedly hatched in Iran, in which Saudi and Israeli ambassadors to the US were being targeted. FBI Director Robert Mueller also made an appearance at that news conference. Both men - especially Holder - are facing some very real heat relative to the Fast and Furious scandal. The timing of this news conference was so coincidental, suspicions that it was intended to distract from news of the imminent subpoenas are more than valid, especially since Obama was first briefed on the plot back in June.

That leads us to what happened at the news conference after a reporter asked Holder about the forthcoming subpoenas. As soon as the Attorney General answered that question, he appeared to turn tail and run when it became apparent that the next question was about the same subject.

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