Thursday, October 20, 2011

Video: Is Herman Cain's Abortion Stance the Beginning of his Implosion?

The upside to Herman Cain is that he's not a politician. The downside is his lack of political experience. It was refreshing to see him admit that he was ill-informed about something. It's tiresome to watch him continue to have to do so. Cain's latest misstep may be the beginning of the end for his candidacy and it involves a convoluted position on abortion.

John Kerry was for something before he was against it. When it comes to abortion, Cain appears to be for something WHILE he is against it.

First, decide for yourself what Cain is trying to say in this interview. To extend a full allotment of grace presumes that Cain is 100% anti-abortion except in the case of rape, at which point the decision should be made by the family and the doctor. However, the reality of this exchange is that one is left scratching one's head at the lack of clarity.

The vast majority of Cain's support is pro-life. He needs to be careful not to become the dog with a bone in its mouth who sees his reflection in the water; the dog loses the bone he has by trying to get a second one below. Cain needs to tightly hang on to the Tea Party bone. Equivocation at this point will definitely hurt him. Again, his strength is the fact that he's not a politician. His weakness is that he doesn't have political experience. I'd by lying if I said I'm not concerned Cain will sink his candidacy with incidents like these.

Hot Air has much more on this.

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