Thursday, October 6, 2011

Video: Does Michele Bachmann Agree with Impeaching Obama?

It will be very interesting to see what this does to Michele Bachmann's poll numbers because if it helps her, it ups the ante for the other candidates. While meeting with voters in Iowa after a stump speech, a man she was talking with brought up the issue of impeaching Obama. Bachmann said that she agreed. Her campaign team is apparently already trying to back away from her comments. This may not be the best course of action for a few reasons.

First, she said it. She should stand by it. If members of the Tea Party who agree with the sentiment see her back away, they may become a bit disenfranchised with her as a candidate. She needs the opposite right now.

Second, with her sagging poll numbers, she needs to take a few more rhetorical chances. Perry did that early on and it helped him greatly.

Third, whether team Bachmann likes it or not, there is a significant contingent within the voting bloc whose support she seeks, that wants Obama impeached. If she goes on record as rejecting those concerns after appearing to have expressed support for them, it could lose her votes, instead of keeping her in the game.

Conversely, if she is going to stand by the comments - which she should - she needs to put forth solid, credible reasons why Obama should be impeached. If she were able to do that, she would probably take some of Cain's support away.

VIa MediaIte:

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