Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Video: Whacko Michael Moore Responds to Question about Supporting #OccupyWallStreet while being part of 1%

Ah, a peek inside the twisted liberal mind of Michael Moore. Gotta give Piers Morgan credit here for not letting Moore off the hook. In essence, Morgan wanted to know why Moore so despises capitalism when he has benefited so greatly from it. Morgan also pressed Moore about the latter being part of the 1% the Occupy Wall Streeters are protesting yet support them. For a while, Moore rejected the premise that said he IS part of the 1% but ultimately relented when Morgan wouldn't let him off the hook. The twisted logic of Moore when it came to capitalism was amazing to behold.

Moore quite clumsily attempted to turn hypocrisy into some form of righteousness by saying that, yes, he's done very well but he has been fighting the system while doing it. He's fighting for the 99% even though he's not part of them.

Via MediaIte:

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