Saturday, November 19, 2011

Audio: Larry Elder Gives Chris Matthews Dose of his own Medicine

Chris Matthews appeared on Larry Elder's radio show to promote his book about JFK. What he ran into was a role-reversal buzz saw. Benefiting Elder greatly was the fact that he read Matthews' entire book but he so perfectly played the role of Chris Matthews the interviewer, that Matthews actually - and quite laughably - asked Elder if he would be allowed to speak or if he was going to have to listen to Elder's 'rap.' It was as if Elder went into this interview with two objectives in mind. One was to give Matthews a dose of his own medicine. The other was to discredit the MSNBC host's account of history.

There was one question Matthews refused to answer and it comes near the end. Elder wanted to know why Matthews only dedicated 1/2 a page to JFK's tax cuts which, according to Elder, was JFK's crowning achievement.

If you've ever wanted to see Chris Matthews on the other end of a Chris Matthews interview, you gotta hear this.

Via Daily Caller:

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