Friday, November 11, 2011

Eric Holder's Apology Letter reaches POLITICO Before Terry Family

During the November 8th Senate Judiciary committee hearing, Attorney General Eric Holder was asked by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) if he's apologized to the family of slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Holder said he had not and declined to do so when Cornyn gave him the opportunity to do so during the hearing. The subsequent fallout apparently caused Holder to issue an apology.

However, in a gaffe that should cause EVERYONE to forget about Rick Perry, Holder's letter appears to have reached the press before showing up in the Terry family's mailbox.

Via Daily Caller:
Politico reported Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder sent a “private letter” to the family of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, apologizing for his death. But friends of the Terry family have told The Daily Caller that no such letter has made it to the Terry home.

“Eric Holder has told the grieving family of slain U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry that he is ‘sorry for the loss of your son’ and offered to meet with them,” reporter Tim Mak wrote.

Holder’s letter, Mak wrote, praised the fallen Border Patrol Agent: “Brian was a hero who served his nation bravely and made the ultimate sacrifice. I agree with you that the tactic of allowing guns to ‘walk,’ as was permitted in Operation Fast and Furious, is completely unacceptable.”

The Holder letter may exist, but Politico hasn’t published it. And friends of the Terry family told The Daily Caller on Thursday that they haven’t received it.

Either Holder never sent his “private letter,” or the Justice Department leaked it to Politico before the Terry family received it.

“He never sent a letter,” Lana Domino, a Terry family friend, told TheDC on Thursday.

“I talk to them daily,” Domino added. “They never received an apology. They never received a letter.”
If it wasn't obvious that any apology from Holder after declining to issue one at the Senate hearing would be politically motivated, not heartfelt, it should be obvious now.

Read it all.

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