Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Has the Credibility of Herman Cain's Campaign Manager gone up in Smoke?

Regardless of where you come down on the Herman Cain sexual harassment controversy, his campaign manager Mark Block has had far too many Double U Tee F moments to keep his job. First, the ad that finishes with him taking a drag from a cigarette. It was bizarre but he got a pass because it actually increased campaign contributions after going viral. Then, after the accusations about Cain came out, Block accused the Perry campaign of being responsible with no hard evidence and it did come back to bite him a bit. Now this.

While appearing on Hannity's television show, Mark Block said he confirmed that the son of one of Cain's accusers works for POLITICO. It turns out that Block appears to be wrong again. Hate to say it but Block seems to be in way over his head here. If Karen Kraushaar's son doesn't work at POLITICO, Cain's campaign could be toast. At the very least, Block should be fired.

What's worse is that it had already been confirmed that Kraushaar works in the Obama administration. If it turns out that Block decided to leapfrog over that red flag to make a charge that is proven to be false, his job as campaign manager should go up in smoke.

Here is the POLITICO story debunking Block's charge that Kraushaar's son works there.

h/t Hapblog

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