Sunday, November 20, 2011

Is the Occupy Toothpaste out of the Tube?

The OWS protests have become a liability for the Democratic Party in general and the Barack Obama administration in particular. That might help explain why mayors across the country seemed to act in unison when shutting down the encampments. However, Occupy Oakland doesn't appear to be going quietly. On November 19th, they were at it again, marching through the streets and setting up tents. Then, when they came across a chain link fence with 'no trespassing' signs on it, they tore it down.

This is the result of taking paddling out of the schools.

If the Obama administration put out the order to shut these protests down due to political damage and protesters are not complying, the president has a serious problem on his hands. If the protests pick up again and he cracks down, Obama will be fighting the community organizing that's so near and dear to his heart. If he allows it to continue, public opposition to him is almost certain to grow. Here is a report from the local ABC affiliate:

 h/t The Blaze

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