Saturday, November 26, 2011

More Female Reporters Sexually Assaulted at Tahrir Square

CBS reporter Lara Logan was separated from her camera man in Tahrir Square when the battery that powered the light died, earlier this year. She subsequently endured a sustained and violent sexual assault during which she resolved herself that she was going to die.

In the latest round of protests at Tarhir Square, there have been at least two more female reporters who have suffered similar fates, with one assault sounding like a mirror image of what happened to Logan.

Via the Daily Caller:
In the wake of massive protests against Egypt’s military rulers, the watchdog group Reporters Without Borders reports that at least two female journalists have been sexually assaulted. 
On Friday the group reported that Caroline Sinz, a French reporter for public TV station France 3, was sexually assaulted Thursday in Cairo while covering the protests. 
Sinz described her ordeal to Agence France-Presse, explaining that she was separated from her cameraman Salah Agrabi and attacked by local men. “We were then assaulted by a crowd of men. 
I was beaten by a group of youngsters and adults who tore my clothes,” she said. 
Sinz explained that she was assaulted in a way that “would be considered rape,” adding that “[s]ome people tried to help me but failed. I was lynched. It lasted three quarters of an hour before I was taken out. I thought I was going to die.”
It is simply amazing that with all that is known about how Islam views women, coupled with the al-Qaeda flags flying in Cairo lately, that the western media has not figured out what's going on.

More at Daily Caller

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