Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New York Residents and Businesses Starting to Fight Back... Sort of

As the Zuccotti Park squatters - otherwise known as Occupy Wall Street - log two months of unsanitary protesting, business owners and residents are starting to express their anger and frustration. The woman you see wearing a mask in this news report looks like one of the protesters but she is not; she is fed up with the protests but afraid to show her face or give her name for fear of a backlash. Keep mayor Michael Bloomberg in mind as you listen to business owners describe how they come in every morning to human waste all over businesses. Some business owners say they may have to close their doors because they just can't make it with this collective public nuisance driving their customers away.

Remember, Bloomberg went against the sentiment of his city and the country when he backed the Ground Zero mosque. Now he's actually backing protesters who are responsible for adversely affecting businesses and taking money away from his own city's pocket. His sanity should start being questioned.

At some point, people need to start asking why mayors all across the country are allowing derelicts to destroy their cities. Jean Quan in Oakland is a prime example; she invited protesters back and encouraged city employees to take the day off and join them. It took a man getting shot and killed for the camp to get shut down.

Speaking of Bloomberg, he makes a cameo in this report and he is a disgrace.

h/t Hapblog

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