Friday, November 18, 2011

Number of Congressmen Calling for Eric Holder to Resign Climbs to 51

This is what we call inertia. As the scandal known as Fast and Furious continues to dog the Obama administration in general and Eric Holder in particular, the number of congressmen who are calling on Holder to resign continues to climb, almost on a daily basis. Just two days ago, the number stood at 43. It's now at 51.

Via Daily Caller:
The number of congressmen calling for Holder’s immediate resignation is now 51. New additions to that list include Republican Reps. Todd Akin and Blaine Luetkemeyer of Missouri, Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia, Steven Palazzo of Mississippi and Jeff Duncan of South Carolina.

Rep. Westmoreland said Operation Fast and Furious was a disgrace to the American people and that Holder needs to resign immediately.

“Fast and Furious played fast and loose with the American public’s safety, leaving a U.S. Border patrol agent dead and DOJ-purchased guns in the hands of Mexican drug lords,” Westmoreland told The Daily Caller. “To say this program was a failure and an embarrassment to the U.S. justice system is an understatement.”

“No matter how many times the attorney general’s statement of when he was aware of Operation Fast and Furious changes — and it has changed almost daily — at the end of the day, he is the head of the Department of Justice and the buck stops with him,” said Westmoreland.

“It’s time for Mr. Holder to hold himself accountable,” he added.
The Caller also has an interesting theory about why the White House may be silent in the face of the mounting pressure on Holder to resign:
The White House and the Justice Department remain silent as pressure for Holder’s immediate resignation builds, which may be a sign that the Obama administration is prepared to force Holder out if it is politically necessary.
While this administration has thrown countless people under the bus, it does not want to part with Holder. If it does, this scandal may be even bigger than anyone thought.

Moreover, a Holder resignation should not end the investigation. There are too many questions remaining about what the heads of State (Hillary Clinton), DHS (Janet Napolitano), and the FBI (Robert Mueller) all knew.

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