Monday, November 28, 2011

Video: Colin Powell Once Again Proves Liberal Credentials

Colin Powell sealed his fate as a liberal in Republican garb when he endorsed Obama over McCain in 2008. Powell's stance has consistently been that the Republican Party needs to become more moderate but he voted for the most ideologically left-wing president in American history while casting aside one of the Republican Party's most moderate nominees in history.

With that as a backdrop, any charges levied by Powell that assert both parties are focused on moving to the 'extreme left' and 'extreme right' respectively is a non-starter. For some reason, Powell cannot see that Obama is at the root of the division in Congress.

In all of Powell's talk of the need for compromise, he seems to be willing to accept the premise that compromise should be sought with Marxism.

He's just flat wrong and the best thing he can do is admit he made a mistake by voting for president in 2008 based on race. If he can't admit that, he has no business placing an "R" after his name.

If pressed for time, fast forward to the 5:00 mark:

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h/t GWP

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