Saturday, November 5, 2011

Video: Oakland Mayor Doubles Down on her own Embarrassment

Look, the buck stops with the mayor of any city when its own residents set the place on fire, cause millions of dollars in damage, and injure several police officers. That means the buck stops with mayor Jean Quan in Oakland, California. However, she seems to be doubling down on very bizarre behavior. Her last responsible act appears to have been on October 25th. That's when police cleared out the protesters. Since then, she's allowed protesters to 're-occupy' the city; she's apologized to them; and then she even gave all city employees except police, the day off in order to join the protests.

Now this. After a day of violence she helped create by giving those city employees the day off to join OWS, Quan praised the protesters who ransacked her city.

Via GWP:

At face value, Jean Quan's IQ must be in the single digits but this simply doesn't make sense. She ordered police to clear the area on October 25th and has done an about-face since then. Why?

Consider that the Barack Obama administration supports OWS and that none other than Van Jones, who is spearheading the movement with his 'Rebuild the Dream' campaign, is from Oakland. Also consider that Rep. Barbara Lee, whose district includes Oakland, has not only come out in support of OWS but has admitted to talking with mayor Quan.

I've got more on this HERE.

I don't think it's out of bounds to ask about the level of White House involvement when it comes to Oakland.

h/t GWP

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