Thursday, November 3, 2011

Video: Oakland Public School Teacher Interviewed at Protest

Sorry for the number of consecutive posts about Occupy Oakland but that city seems to have become the frontline in this battle between capitalism and the Obama administration's fight against it. The Van Jones / Barbara Lee connection to the city is also too significant to ignore. Anyway, check out this video of a protester at Occupy Oakland. Take note that he is a public school teacher. Once you realize that mindless drones like this are actually teaching children, it's at least a bit easier to understand the actions of the mindless drones who are part of OWS.

Via SF Chronicle:

More via the Chronicle:
At least 15 percent of Oakland teachers took today off to participate in the Occupy Oakland general strike, the school district said.

A little more than 300 teachers missed work to join the strike, said Troy Flint, a district spokesman. The district won't know exactly how many didn't come to work until later today, Flint said

There weren't enough substitute teachers in a handful of schools, so some students had to be moved into other classrooms, he said.

"These are the people who followed our procedures," Flint said, referring to the teachers who stayed away. Teachers were allowed to take the day off if they submitted a request by Monday and the district was able to find a sub, Flint said.
Again, Oakland mayor Jean Quan is responsible for lawfully authorizing all 300 of those teachers to show up at the November 2nd, General Strike. Only in Oakland would a mayor invite vandals and lawlessness into her city. Oh, Quan is a liberal Democrat.

The good news is that the mask is finally off the evil that has infected America.

The bad news is that this evil has one ugly face (not a reference to Quan).

h/t GWP

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