Monday, November 21, 2011

Video: Ron Paul Exposes his Nutty Underbelly

Republican presidential nominee Ron Paul has got to protect the Truther vote - those who believe 9/11 was an 'Inside job.' He also needs to come across as mainstream. The result is an epic failure in his interview with Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation. Paul seems to settle on the view that flawed US Government policy led to 9/11. In essence, he excuses Islamic countries from any and all culpability when, in fact, they reject western civilization entirely because we're not like them. Paul is intellectually vacant in this area and Schieffer does a decent job of getting Paul to show it.

If you engage Ron Paul in a discussion about fiscal policy and economics, you will likely be quite impressed. If you engage him in a discussion about the intentions of Islamic countries in the Middle East, you'll scratch your head and wonder why he's not a Democrat.

After all, he DID say that he would be comfortable appointing Dennis Kucinich to a Cabinet level post.

There is growing concern that Paul might attempt a 3rd party / Independent run if he doesn't get the Republican nomination. If he does that, it will be the Ross Perot effect on steroids. Obama will be reelected. The interesting thing is that if  Paul registered as a Democrat, he would help get a Republican elected.

Anyway, here is Paul's exchange with Schieffer, via MediaIte:

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