Thursday, December 22, 2011

1988 Video: Ron Paul on Morton Downey, Jr. Show

Very interesting exchange between a younger Ron Paul, Morton Downey, Jr. and a raucous audience. The subject? Legalizing drugs. If you were a fan of Downey, it's noteworthy that he thought Paul was a nut job. Also taking that view was Lisa Sliwa of the Guardian Angels. Paul gets quite animated here as well.

Downey delivers some priceless lines (no pun intended) too. At one point, Paul adamantly demands for someone to explain why there were no drug laws in the 19th century. Downey, in essence, says for the same reason there weren't seat belt laws.

Right before going into a commercial break, Downey says someone needs to call the cops because there's 200 lbs. of dope on his stage.

Later, the conversation turned toward the Soviet Union. Paul espoused a hands-off policy with them. Three years later, the Soviet Union fell. Proof  positive that Paul's foreign policy views are wrong.

h/t Daily Caller

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