Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Attn Tea Party Leaders: Keep that Brokered Convention Talk Alive

I've already chimed in on the subject of a brokered convention but it's going to take Tea Party leaders all across the country to educate conservatives and convince them that they don't have to settle. A brokered convention would happen if none of the Republican candidates get enough votes. Yes, that can happen if the Tea Party does nothing but the odds of it happening go up exponentially if Tea Party leaders put aside their differences and develop a strategy to ensure it.

Via Joel Pollack at Big Government:
They are all better than Obama; the question is–are they the best Republicans can offer?

As Republicans have wrestled with that question, a few have floated the idea of a “brokered convention,” at which the party’s nominee would be chosen through back-room negotiations and contested ballots instead of the pro forma roll calls of recent decades.

Given Romney’s struggle to provide the clear alternative to Obama that Americans so desperately need, the party should consider whether a brokered convention is feasible as a fallback option.
Think about it; If no Republican candidate gets the nomination, it's an entirely new ball game. Tea Party leaders MUST unite and offer voters primary by primary instruction. If Tea Partiers aren't satisfied with the field, they need to bide their time and make very strategic voting decisions.

I wouldn't support all of Pollack's ten brokered convention finalists but he includes Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint, Scott Walker, and Bobby Jindal. Each one of them is preferential to what's currently available.

C'mon, Tea Party leaders. Learn to work together.

Maybe it's time for a Tea Party National Committee (TPNC)

Read it all.

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