Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Audio: Santorum Actively Seeking Support of Palin Supporters

Sarah Palin gave Rick Santorum an opening last week when she came very close to endorsing him on Hannity's television show. The former Senator from Pennsylvania is in desperate need of a shot in the arm and a Palin endorsement would certainly give it to him. At some point, however, he's going to have to garner a bit more support before the former Alaska governor is going to give him that endorsement.

To this point, Santorum hasn't been able to do that. What Palin did on Hannity appeared to me to be her attempt to open the door for Santorum but he's got to walk through it.

Here is Santorum talking about why Palin supporters should get behind him but he probably shouldn't expect a Palin endorsement until he at least gets into double digits.

Via Breitbart:

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