Saturday, December 31, 2011

Catholic Online: Santorum Surprise in Iowa?

There is no question that Rick Santorum is surging in Iowa as a consequence of Newt's fall. The former is the only Tea Party-minded candidate whose tires have yet to be kicked. This race will boil down to three entities. Establishment vs. Kook vs. anti-Establishment.

Romney has the establishment vote locked up
Paul has the Kook vote locked up.
Perry, Bachmann, Gingrich, and Santorum are all fighting for that anti-Establishment vote

Perry is, as they say, all hat and no cattle. The gap between his rhetoric and how he governs is cavernous. Bachmann has already risen and fallen; she has peaked and a significant portion of her votes seem to have gone to Santorum at this point. Besides, it would be nice to see her remain a powerful force in Congress. Gingrich has a problem similar to Perry in that his liberal side isn't just glistening; it's blinding.

Catholic Online highlights Santorum's bonafides:

More at Catholic Online, h/t Free Republic

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