Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gingrich and Pelosi Co-sponsored 418 Bills

If you thought Newt's love seat spot with Nancy Pelosi was bad, this might just put them both in a living room, in front of a fire, and sharing a blanket (that is a metaphor for those who can't stomach the visual).

Via Daily Caller:
Many of the bills Gingrich and Pelosi co-sponsored were hardly divisive: authorizing an award for Mother Teresa, giving a congressional gold medal to former President Gerald Ford and recognizing the 50th anniversary of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. 
But one piece of legislation could be problematic for Gingrich with conservatives: the Global Warming Prevention Act of 1989, which never made it out of committee. 
The legislation declared that climate change was “a major threat to political stability, international security and economic prosperity.” 
The bill could also make the pro-life community uneasy with language about the availability of “family planning services” that included a declaration that, “curbing world population growth will be critical to achieving the goals.” 
And while it prohibited funds from going towards “involuntary sterilization or abortion,” it doesn’t appear the bill would have prevented “voluntary” cases of abortion.
It might be time for a new 'not Romney' candidate. Paging Rick Santorum...

Read it all.

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