Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Guest Hosting on the Lynn Woolley Show Today

Sitting in for the Secretary of Logic today from 9am-Noon EST. On the short list of items that are on the table for discussion...
  • Ron Paul's former aide says his former boss is definitely "Anti-Israel" and almost voted "no" on authorization to go into Afghanistan after 9/11
  • How did Kwanzaa come to be a holiday? The answer may shock you.
  • Many see Occupy Wall Street (OWS) as something that is petering out but is the movement actually re-grouping and planning to be more violent in the future? Video of an Occupy Oakland protester may indicate as much.
  • What's up with Virginia? As of now, only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul will be on the ballot. Every other Republican candidate failed to meet the requirements. Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich may have a good argument as to why they should be put back on the ballot.
  • What does the Salafist Party in Egypt, which won 20% of the vote in elections there, want to do to the Pyramids?
  • What's the latest on Solyndra and how damaging will a 1:00 video from May of 2010 be?
  • Much more...
The Lynn Woolley show is syndicated across the state of Texas.

CLICK HERE to listen to the show live on Lynn's flagship station, KTEM 1400, from 9am - Noon EST.

Call-in number is 866-895-6442

Lynn's website

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