Thursday, December 29, 2011

Holder Condemns Illegal Firearms (Not what you think)

Well, one of Saul Alinsky's rules is to always 'keep the pressure on.' Put another way, always stay on offense. Despite a powerful hand of practically every relevant agency being caught in the proverbial cookie jar relative to Fast and Furious - an operation that intentionally put guns in the hands of drug cartels - Attorney General Eric Holder continues to use politics to push for gun control.

File this one in the 'unmitigated gall' department.

The number of officers killed in the line of duty jumped 13 percent in 2011 compared with the year before — and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder condemned the increase as “a devastating and unacceptable trend” that he blamed on illegal firearms.

The number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty rose to 173 this year, from 153 in 2010, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund announced Wednesday. This year’s figure is 23 percent higher than 122 killed in the line of duty in 2009.

Holder said “too many guns have fallen into the hands of those who are not legally permitted to possess them,” in explaining the increase.
If, as has been suspected, Fast and Furious was about allowing people to be killed by criminals with guns given to them by the ATF, to create the environment that would make it politically palatable to enact more gun control measures, this latest narrative from the Attorney General only serves to further make the case.

I understand the benefits of always staying on offense but this would be like running a low percentage pass play from inside your own two-yard line with a third string QB who hasn't even had a chance to warm up.

Holder is scheduled to be in front of Darrell Issa's Oversight Committee on January 24th. Statements like this aren't going to help him.

h/t Hot Air

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