Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Honor Killing in a Santa Suit?

There's a very tried and true rule in journalism. When writing a story, the meat should always come in the headline and first paragraph. If the reader wants more detail, he will continue reading. Apparently, this rule doesn't apply when the story is about a Muslim who dresses in a Santa suit and kills his daughter because she's dating a non-Muslim man.

Here is the headline and first three paragraphs appeared in the Dallas Morning News via Jihad Watch:
Neighbors horrified at news of family’s slayings in Grapevine

GRAPEVINE — Aziz Yazdanpanah seemed to be losing control of his life in recent months — his wife left him, his house was in foreclosure, and his 19-year-old daughter was dating a young man he didn’t like.

Even so, the 58-year-old former real estate agent from Colleyville seemed to be holding it together. Neighbors say he would smile and wave as he drove through his middle-class neighborhood. Recently, he was seen raking leaves in his yard.

“He was very friendly, a very good neighbor,” said Carrie Stewart, who lives across the street. “He was out here often doing yard work and he even watched our house for us when we went to Colorado.”
Suggested alternate headline and first three paragraphs...
Muslim Male dresses as Santa Claus, slays family on Christmas morning 
GRAPEVINE - Aziz Yazdanpanah, a Muslim, who reportedly objected to his daughter's boyfriend, was found dead along with his daughter, Nona, and six others on Christmas morning in the home where Yazdanpanah's estranged wife was living. 
An investigation into the motive is ongoing in the apparent murder / suicide but according to a classmate of Nona, the dating habits of his daughter were a source of great distress for Yazdanpanah. 
“She couldn’t date at all until she was a certain age, but when he was going to let her date she couldn’t date anyone outside of their race or religion,” Laci Reed, 18, said.
Reading the piece in the Dallas Morning News, one is almost left with the impression that the real victim was the murderer, who had fallen on hard times, and not his young daughter, who had her whole life in front of her.

Oh, and the police officer at the scene, Lt. Todd Dearing, said the motive wasn't important.

h/t GWP

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