Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Leader of Hamas Visits with Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

In light of Ron Paul's comments from 2009, in which he said 'Israel... started Hamas,' I found this bit of news a sufficiently salient retort to that insane point of view. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh recently sat down with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Via Jerusalem Post:
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh received a warm welcome Monday when he arrived at the Muslim Brotherhood Headquarters in Cairo.

Haniyeh is on his first regional tour since 2007 that will take him to a number of Arab and Islamic countries.

Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Badei welcomed Haniyeh at a joint conference and said that his party was concerned with Palestinian issues.

"Your highness Mr. Prime Minister, our brothers, Ismail Haniyeh and his accompanying delegations -- you are welcome to our country; you are welcome to our headquarters," Badei said. "The general center of Muslim Brotherhood is paying attention all the time to the Palestinian issue as it pays attention to the issues of liberation all over the world."

Haniyeh responded with: "The Islamic resistance movement of Hamas, by definition is, a jihadist movement by the Muslim Brotherhood, Palestinian on the surface, Islamic at its core and its goal is liberation."

An aide said Haniyeh's trip will also include stops in Tunisia, Bahrain and Turkey.
Before making his way to Egypt, Haniyeh gave a speech marking Hamas' 24th anniversary and said the long term goal of his group remains the elimination of Israel. Here is video from Haniyeh's speech via PMW:

A website known as Loon Watch, which has taken up the task of smearing those who warn about these sorts of things, had this to say about the fall of Hosni Mubarak back in February:
Is it any surprise that the Islamophobes are the most against this uprising. 
Hopefully now the Egyptians can reconstruct the system to be a free and Democratic nation.
Paging Loon Watch...

h/t GWP

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