Sunday, December 4, 2011

Newt Played Footsie with Al Sharpton; he Just got Kicked

It appears Newt has himself a new problem on par with his decision to sit on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi and advocate for help against man-made climate change. In 2009, Gingrich toured the country with Al Sharpton and championed Sharpton's 'leadership.' Recently, Gingrich made some comments about the environment poor children in America are raised in. Sharpton didn't like it and basically called Newt a race-baiter. Sharpton also brought up their work together in 2009.

Based on Newt's decision to work with Sharpton in the first place, he deserves every bit of this.

Via Radio Equalizer:

Regardless of whether you agree with Al Sharpton's ideology, he has a point on Newt because the latter is definitely playing politics. This is exactly what happens when those on the right attempt to reach across the aisle and find 'common ground' with socialists.

Compare Gingrich's rhetoric of today with this from 2009:

Oh, and for good measure, Newt called MSNBC during Sharpton's show and wished the host a Happy Birthday on live television earlier this year. If he did so to win favor with Sharpton, it appears that was, as they say, an 'Epic Fail.'

h/t Hot Air

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