Thursday, December 29, 2011

Obama Campaign Manager Cusses in Official Video

The Obama reelection campaign released a video featuring campaign manager Jim Messina in which the latter uses a pointer and various electoral maps that are intended to communicate the many possible paths to victory for Obama in 2012. It actually has a bit of a Glenn Beck feel to it at first.

And then Messina lets fly the "Bull S**t" expletive on an official campaign video, which means this was scripted, choreographed, and intended for viewers to see. What did Messina object to? Well, the notion that Obama is stockpiling a billion dollar war chest, courtesy of union dues, money laundering, etc. Fast forward to the 2:45 mark if you must but watch the whole thing if you can.

Check it out...

Messina was the Deputy Chief of Staff back in 2010 and was involved in the Jobsgate scandal that implicated the White House in the alleged offering of a job to Senatorial candidates Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff in return for those candidates' agreeing to drop out of their primary races.

Messina's involvement in offering Romanoff jobs to drop out of his race with incumbent Michael Bennet should call into question, the decision to make him Obama's campaign manager.

Letting fly the "Bulls**t" line on a prepared White House video not only smacks of low class but also a bit of 'thou doth protest too much.'

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