Sunday, December 11, 2011

Obama Lies on 60 Minutes

We all remember it. During the 2008 campaign, then candidate Barack Obama told Joe the Plumber, 'When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.' Here we are nearly four years later and Obama is telling 60 Minutes he is NOT 'redistributing wealth.'

Via CBS:
In a "60 Minutes" interview with Steve Kroft, President Obama disputes the notion he is trying to redistribute wealth with his plans to treat the country's economic ills. He tells Kroft he's just attempting to deliver the "American Deal" of a strong middle class "where everybody is able to do their part and everybody's able to succeed."
Of course, as GWP points out, we all remember Obama's 'Joe the Plumber' moment in 2008:

So, which is it? Is Obama spreading the wealth around or has he failed to do what's 'good for everybody'?

Either way, Obama is a failure. He's lying so much that even when he wants it both ways, it's bad.

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