Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Report: Cornhusker Kickback Senator Ben Nelson to Retire

The Senate's version of Bart Stupak appears to be heading for the exit prior to the 2012 shellacking he apparently sees coming. Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE), the man who brought us the 'Cornhusker Kickback' which guaranteed passage of Obamacare has announced he is going to retire.

Via USA Today:
Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska has told supporters he will not seek re-election. His decision was first reported by Politico.

In his statement, Nelson said: "Simply put: It is time to move on."

Nelson, 70, was facing a tough fight for a third term. His retirement improves the GOP's chances of picking up the Nebraska Senate seat the Democrat has held since 2000, and it enhances the odds of a Republican takeover of the Senate in 2012.
Yeah, right. Nelson is probably retiring because he disgraced himself during the Obamacare fight and is radioactive.

Ditto for Bart Stupak in Michigan.

Both men went to the wall for Obama and this is where it got them.

h/t Free Republic

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