Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ruh Roh: Democratic Congressman may call for Holder Resignation

So far, there are 51 congressmen, 2 senators, and 2 sitting governors who are calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to resign over operation Fast and Furious. However, the next congressman to do so might just be a Democrat who has made it known that he will be watching the December 8th hearing very closely.

Via Daily Caller: 
Illinois Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez told The Daily Caller on Tuesday that he thinks “it’s much too early” for him to call for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation over Operation Fast and Furious, but that he’s watching the congressional investigation closely and may do so soon. 
“I agree, for the loss of life, for our fine men and women as well as possibly hundreds of Mexican nationals, in this war against drugs and against the cartels,” Gutierrez said in an interview on Capitol Hill. “And, I think that mistakes should be looked at, evaluated and ultimately, those that are responsible — but I don’t think we’re there yet. I don’t have all of the answers. I don’t have all of the information. I would hope that those that have already rushed to judgment, which I don’t want to do, with the Attorney General — He’s going to come and testify, I’m going to listen to that testimony.” 
Gutierrez also made a conditional call for Holder’s resignation, indicating that if he’s convinced Holder knew of Operation Fast and Furious, and misled Congress, he thinks Holder should resign.
That last sentence is significant because there is a likelihood that after the House Judiciary is done with Holder tomorrow, there will be more congressmen to call for the latter's resignation. If Gutierrez is added to the list, the dike that is Holder's career could start breaking.

Gutierrez's willingness to consider jettisoning Holder appears to be, at least in part, rooted in the fact that there are so many dead Mexican nationals as a result of Fast and Furious. As this reality comes to light, we will begin to see the racial politics of the left doing battle with their ideology.

Here's video of Gutierrez:

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